Friday, July 27, 2012

18 months!

Little Tristan is now 18 months old. He's quite a little man and loves to try to be a big boy by drinking from a regular cup and sitting in a regular chair instead of a high chair. He loves to chatter and sing the itsy Bitsy spider. His favorite words that we here most frequently are waffle when he's hungry, cheers... Not sure where he got that one, outside..and of course ball, oh no, dog, uh oh...and dis dis meaning this. He's obsessed with balls. It drives him crazy to go past the giant bin of balls at the grocery store. He also loves cars and says OH wow.. When he hears loud motors. He still charms the ladies by waving and blowing kisses. We think hes going to be in to soccer as he is extremely good at kicking balls and does this repetitively.  Here are some recent pictures

sweet meat

eating with chop sticks, well 1 stick I was impressed

Bretts rings as advertized by Martin and Mcarthur


  1. Love the pictures Amanda!!!! He is precious!

  2. He's a keeper! Have fun, I had the grandkids over last night for a sleepover and they are growing up way to fast.
