Friday, July 9, 2010

Bretts Birthday

On June 7th we celebrated a birthday weekend for Brett. It was a relaxing getaway to the beautiful Big Island. We did some snorkeling and sight seeing around the island. One picture is the new smoke plume from recent eruptions. The other picture is of the beautiful Akaka falls.

wiggles and jiggles inside

Hello all,

Sorry it has been so long since our last posting. It has been 6 weeks and a lot has changed. We were saddened by the loss of one twin at  eight weeks and now rejoicing that we have one health baby at 12 weeks. Everything seems to be coming along fine. The baby is about the size of a peach. Our little peach appears to be a Boy based on a ver early ultra sound looking at the hip bones. We shall see in 5 more weeks. There is still a chance the tech could be wrong. Never the less we are ver excited and love to watch our little one wiggle and jiggle

BTW Brett spilled Beer on the computer and I am unable to use a few letters :)

The arrows indicate the anatomy of a possible boy