Saturday, December 17, 2011


Yes I tortured my son to get a token photo on Santa's lap. He was unsure of Santa, then cried, then asked for a Ferrari......wait that was Brett..

Sunday, December 11, 2011

11 Months old

Our Big little guy is now 11 months old.  He is definitely turning into a little boy from a baby. He is now getting into everything. He loves to open and shut all the cabinets, unravel the toilet paper, and climb the furniture. We have quite a chatter box  on our hands and the favorite babble is ooohhhhhh uuuhhhh ouuuu  ooohhhhhh and repeat. Tristan is not walking yet, but we think he will soon as he sometimes stands by himself and seems to be getting more and more steady. He is a lot of fun and keeps us on our toes.

Tristan and his cousin Andrew

Brett and Carrie our Niece

Tristan And Jerry Smiles

At the Zoo with my Grandparents! Fun!

Every day at the Gontarek House

Our Christmas Tree
We Cant wait until our first Christmas and 1st Birthday Coming up!

Monday, September 26, 2011

RV trip to California!

We had an amazing time in California. We spent 2 days with my brother Ryan and Jamie. They met Tristan in person for the first time!

We then jumped in an RV and headed up the coast of California with our friends Joe and Betsey. We started in LA and drove all the way to Napa Valley stopping along the way.On the way back we were able to spend time with Brett's aunt and uncle Steve and Sandy! We had a blast and hope to go again soon.

Tristan's an excellent driver

The shitter is full!

my first winery

oooohhhh Carmel

The lone cypress

Our house on wheels

Redwoods are sure tall

Lombard Street San Francisco

Muir Woods

aahhh back home again sailing with my girlfriend Jen

Monday, September 5, 2011

The bee's knees

I admit I'm getting lazy with blogging lately but I ve been reminded that I haven't updated in a while. The Bee's Knees as Brett and I often refer to Tristan as is about 7 1/2 months now. Our ever changing nicknames for him are getting more absurd but fun none the less.  Tristan is truly a joy and a very fun loving baby. He is still the mayor smiling at everyone, and he is always up for a laugh if you act silly. Brett and I find ourselves acting ridiculous just to hear Tristan infectious laugh. Recently the whole family enjoyed some good belly laughs while singing John Denver's "Thank God I'm a country boy". You can get the picture.

As you can tell, Tristan has a ton of hair and very sexy legs. He is experiencing bubbles for the first time in the pictures above.

Tristan's grandparents Kay and Jerry just came for a visit. here are some pictures from their visit.

Look its the travelocity gnome! .......Tristan and grandpa smiles...the video is with Tristan grandma Gigi

Amazing cupcakes that look like hamburgers and hot dogs

These pictures are from our good friend Betsey's birthday party. Betsey and Joe  in the picture above are joining us on our vacation to California. We are taking an RV up the coast to San Francisco and back. I will hopefully blog and post some pictures from the trip. We are looking forward for our first trip with the little one. It should be an adventure!

And last......The sweetest picture of the best daddy and the cutest baby ever.....If that doesn't pull your heart strings...nothing will.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jump Jump Jumperoo

OK So I got Tristan this extremely large jumperoo for his 6months birthday. It takes up the entire living room which is ridiculous..........but look how much fun it is! Tristan loves it..I had to post the video..

I thought this was cute, but i think everything he does is Mum Mums yummy!

Here is a picture of Tristan that I took Handsome

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Mayor

Our little Tristan is quite a charmer.....We refer to him as the Mayor...he loves to walk around in the baby bjorn and look at people....he smiles at everyone in his path and will stare people down with all grins until he gets a reaction from them. Apparently the clerks at home depot love him and can always get him to burst out laughing while at the check out.

He is now 6 months old and weighs 20lbs.....its all muscle..ha ha ha.....We have been taking him swimming in the pool and in the ocean and so far he loves it. We start swim lessons next month and are really excited for them. He has also started taking an interest in food so we started solids. I think he is going to be a good eater and so far likes most anything I give him.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

We are going green!

Well at least making an effort to go green. I am trialing cloth diapers. Right now we do half and half. Its hard to wean off of disposables, and  I am deftly afraid of poopy cloth diapers. We will see how it be continued.......

The ladies love my physique

On May 1st of this year we had Tristan's Baptism. He had all his local aunties and uncles there for support. We had a morning brunch back at the house to celebrate. He seemed to enjoy his baptism and I think he thought he was getting a bath. Uncle Paul is his Godfather and aunt Jamie is his Godmother.

Dressed to party

Me and My Auntie Kathryn

Tristan is nearing 5 months already....In another month a whole new world of solid food, swim classes, and music classes. Right now we have a fun loving giggle box. Hes trying to master rolling over and attempting to scoot across the floor.  He still really loves music (Don't know where that came from) and people watching. His favorite pass time is cruising in the baby Bjorn with daddy.
                   I just want to go fast!