Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Milk Breath

Milk breath is another sweet nickname for our little yeti. He just past 12 weeks old and is showing his personality. We are so lucky with this guy as he typically goes to sleep at 10pm and wakes up at 8am. He must take after Brett and we pray that this isn't just a phase........because of this, naps are short and sweet throughout the day. He tends to laugh at Brett and I when we try to put him down for naps (usually because he will wake up after just 10 minutes) He thinks its hilarious.  Tristan also loves to people watch and be perched high on the shoulders to look around.
     Tristan and I go to a mom baby class at a Montessori school here in town, and have found that Tristan loves music. The teacher plays a box harp and the baby just stares in amazement at the instrument. His favorite music is Bob Marley and Baby Mozart. Its so fun to see him learning and developing new skills.
     Brett and I have also started to feel adjusted to having a baby and have gotten back into the usual yoga, surfing, volleyball, and sailing (or the Boob cruise as my friend calls it because Tristan has to breastfeed) I have also figured out that the crock pot is my best friend and has allowed me to make some hot meals for Brett. I highly recommend dusting off the crock pots and putting them to use. A Life savor! My first day back to work is this Saturday. I cant believe my time is up already. It really does fly by. Here are some fun pictures:

I Love to Stand. Showing off my Jeans.

I Love Ole Miss

You want me to nap....baaha ha ha

Mr. Serious with a Dennis the Mennace hair style

This Easter outfit sent by aunt Jamie is so adorable. It reminds me of the pink bunny outfit from The Movie (The Christmas Story) It even has a cotton tail on the butt. We will post more pictures of this for Easter. Its rediculously cute.

Tristan entertaining at a baby shower